Jul 27, 2022
Many folks are experiencing worry, anger, sadness, and all sorts of negative emotions over the state of the world today. Does this help anything? NO! In this episode Carter and teZa Lord, cohosts of ZLORD, discuss the whys and wherefores of staying positive and accepting what IS, even when what things seem unacceptable....
Jul 20, 2022
Cohosts Carter and teZa Lord discuss the whys and wherefores of the very common human tendency to put others down who are different, in any way. And how to heal our brokenness--we must stop this destructive habit. Compassion has to be awakened in all of us if we're to resolve the crisis of current times, with our...
Jul 12, 2022
Many people are suffering today. War, infringment of personal rights, civil and global shuffling of powers are causing a lot of increased mental health issues for enough people for a new US Federal hotline (988) to be offered now. Here, teZa goes solo while Carter travels. She offers what she sees, feels, and knows is...
Jul 6, 2022
Freedom is a big deal to every human on planet Earth. But really, do we think of it in terms of "spiritual freedom"? Here cohosts teZa and Carter Lord approach this episode's topic with experience and sincerity, sharing from deep places about their own understanding, and several others close to them. Your idea of...