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ZLORD podcast

ZLORD features two Americans seeing Oneness everywhere they look. Artist teZa and filmmaker Carter Lord start off in summer of 2019 car-camping for six months all over North America. Afterwards, they explore the inner adventures of life, experiences just as exciting and challenging to them as visiting exotic locales. Their conversations' aim is to discover just how interconnected everything is, when viewed through the unifying prism of the NOW. Seeing wonders reflected back from whatever they do, wherever they look or go, inwardly and outwardly, the couple shares with humor, unabashed honesty, with enough gusto for legions. Their banter is free and uncensored. Their views entirely their own, there is no affiliation or alignment with any organization/political party/religion/. These two are not your average American citizen by any means. Perhaps investigating such off-the-grid types as the Lords might expand your own perceptions? Drop the two a line to ask questions or comment:

Feb 25, 2021

Everyone's sick of so much negativity! It's now a year of living in the Covid-era and teZa and Carter Lord, cohosts of ZLORD offer a sure-fire way of healing our world's brokenness. Practiced one-person-at-a-time, being kind will, and already IS reversing years of ongoing antagonism that our entire American society...

Feb 18, 2021

Starting with how mixed-up some people make a single word, like "woke," Carter and teZa's conversation here centers around how complicated our world has become. They offer suggestions how to make it more SIMPLE. Everything  we do, think, and desire leads us closer to LOVE, the highest form of being human. ACCEPTANCE is...

Feb 11, 2021

Another first on ZLORD podcast! Carter is interviewing (well, sort of) teZa, his co-host because she's just put up a special FREE treat for everyone. Since the pandemic brought hardship to so many, teZa wanted to offer a home practice of the body-mind-spirit kind of yoga she's been doing for over fifty years. Listen to...

Feb 3, 2021

Every one of us is different. There are also many different ways to approach our spiritual connection with life. In this week's episode teZa and Carter share how theirs are both similar, yet different. Visit for more of who is ZLORD.