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ZLORD podcast

ZLORD features two Americans seeing Oneness everywhere they look. Artist teZa and filmmaker Carter Lord start off in summer of 2019 car-camping for six months all over North America. Afterwards, they explore the inner adventures of life, experiences just as exciting and challenging to them as visiting exotic locales. Their conversations' aim is to discover just how interconnected everything is, when viewed through the unifying prism of the NOW. Seeing wonders reflected back from whatever they do, wherever they look or go, inwardly and outwardly, the couple shares with humor, unabashed honesty, with enough gusto for legions. Their banter is free and uncensored. Their views entirely their own, there is no affiliation or alignment with any organization/political party/religion/. These two are not your average American citizen by any means. Perhaps investigating such off-the-grid types as the Lords might expand your own perceptions? Drop the two a line to ask questions or comment:

Oct 23, 2021

Going solo this episode (Carter's off helping others, as he often is) teZa shares about who and what she is, knowing you too have this same insight about your own self. This is an introduction to the upcoming episode coming next, when Carter and teZa together discuss how we are all One, and that the...

Sep 27, 2021

teZa solo shares how, once an old negative source within us is identified, how to transform it into a positive NEW creation. This is the 2nd step to Letting Go. Allowing the creative intelligence we all have to flourish, we must destroy as much negativity within our energy field (including unhealthy habits, friends,...

Sep 19, 2021

Carter (for the first time!) listened to ZLORD podcast. He chose the previous episode, about Truth. Well, he wasn't happy with what he heard; thought things were not clear enough for his liking. So he wants to discuss Truth in more depth. teZa agrees, as any subject is interesting if it relates to understanding Spirit...

Aug 26, 2021

Carter thought he didn't have much to share about boundaries. But when teZa begins about how she had to learn about boundaries early in her sober life, suddenly Carter can relate to this podcast's subject from his own experiences, and has a lot to say. As always, the focus is our spiritual life, but today we talk about...

Aug 19, 2021

Last episode was teZa's story of how she came to be a God-lover; this week it's Carter's. He uses the word "testimonial" because he identifies as a born-again Christian. One of the many subjects covered in his story is how he, as a single parent of two young children, reconciled marrying teZa, a self-proclaimed...