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ZLORD podcast

ZLORD features two Americans seeing Oneness everywhere they look. Artist teZa and filmmaker Carter Lord start off in summer of 2019 car-camping for six months all over North America. Afterwards, they explore the inner adventures of life, experiences just as exciting and challenging to them as visiting exotic locales. Their conversations' aim is to discover just how interconnected everything is, when viewed through the unifying prism of the NOW. Seeing wonders reflected back from whatever they do, wherever they look or go, inwardly and outwardly, the couple shares with humor, unabashed honesty, with enough gusto for legions. Their banter is free and uncensored. Their views entirely their own, there is no affiliation or alignment with any organization/political party/religion/. These two are not your average American citizen by any means. Perhaps investigating such off-the-grid types as the Lords might expand your own perceptions? Drop the two a line to ask questions or comment:

Nov 19, 2020

teZa and Carter Lord, the two co-hosts of ZLORD podcast, discuss the way they'd found WORKS to not only maintain the highest level of personal happiness for each of them, but also to get along with others, especially another person whose opinion sharply contrasts theirs in our highly divided society as today's political climate sadly is.

In order to do both, stay personally content and get along socially, respecting others' opinions no matter what that might be, the two offer how they, along with minions of others who practice a mindful way of living, achieve this difficult balance in these enormously challenging times.

To help heal the social divide in America today, the two offer their assistance of how they've learned to stay hopeful. They offer suggestions how to mend the rip of our human fabric, by discussing how they view each and every person as having the same "Divine" spark within them. And this alone, seeing "others" as equally children of the Divine, warrants not only their being respected ... but, in Carter's words, "worthy of our adoration."

"This is awfully hard to do!" teZa honestly proclaims. Carter agrees, but offers how, since he's been practicing this method of non-judgment, he's been able to let go of very deep resentments that used to plague him. He gives personal examples of how this approach works, this spiritual approach to life.

To maintain happiness takes work, they both agree. And they're both willing to do what's necessary to lead a full and satisfied life, even in the midst of so much conflict. They ask, "Are you?" Send your comments, we'd love to hear form you!